The Spokesperson
A political drama unfolds as an experienced politician mentors a young protegé, shedding light on the world of intrigues and manipulations. Their inevitable clash unearths the truths behind public and personal facades, delving deep into everyday lives.
In a play THE SPOKESPERSON Miro Gavran puts together an experienced elderly politician with a young man who’s just about to enter the world of politics. The old cunning fox becomes a mentor and protector to his young protegee shedding light into the system of intrigues and manipulations, gradually revealing his own life principles. In the end of this exciting story the young spokesman, who’s just begun his climbing on the ladder of power will present his motivations for this notoriously infamous job. A conflict of two opposing characters is inevitable as well as unmasking of public and personal gildings. This is a drama full of twists, deeply immersed into our everyday lives.
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