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Book Description
Antunov nezaposleni otac u potpunosti je predan svojem snu o patentu kojim će svojoj obitelji pružiti sve što joj je potrebno, dok njegova majka skrbi za sve troje. Nakon svađe, napušta supruga i odlazi svojoj majci. Očajni Antun, uz pomoć ljubavi svog života, Bernarde, uzima ljubavni život svojih roditelja u svoje ruke – kad već neće nitko drugi.
Reader Testimonials
Explore the thoughts and experiences of fellow readers who have immersed themselves in Miro Gavran's literary world.
"A wonderful book.I read it almost in one breath.When you start reading, it just pulls you to read further and more and more."
Olivera de Trempis about "Portrait of a soul"
"An excellent book. I read it several times."
Lana Babić about "A Few Birds and One Sky"
"Just the day before yesterday, I borrowed it from the library to read it again, for the first time since childhood. I remember that even then, at an early age, she left a deep impression on me. I can't wait to get back to her!"
"The Forgotten Son is unforgettable. It raises an emotion at the very title, and only in the text... May he live forever."
Sanja Polak about "Forgotten son"
"A wonderful book, full of twists and surprises. The psychological characterization of the main character leaves you breathless with its depth."
Ivana Džidić about "Judith"
"A beautiful novel. It has a soul."
Zdenka Morić for "Portrait of a soul"
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