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The 14th GavranFest took place in Prague

The 14th GavranFest was held in Prague from October 9 to 14. The festival has been launched 20 years ago, in 2003, inthe Slovak city of Trnava, in the Jan Palarik Theatre. The festival was openedwith the performance of the play "All about men" by the Studio DVAtheater from Prague. The selector and organizer of the festival is the Czechproducer František Karoch. A selector chose six plays based on Miro Gavran'stexts, which were performed by theaters from three countries: the CzechRepublic, Germany and Croatia.

Except of the play "All about men", thefollowing plays were performed:

  • „Coffee at Noon“ (CZ: „Na kávičce v poledne“) by GAVRAN Theater from     Zagreb, Croatia
  • „The Beer“ (CZ: "Piwo") by Theater Bautzen (Němsko-Serbske     ludowe dźiwadło)
  • „My Wife's Husband“ (CZ: „Muž mojí ženy“) by Divadlo na Fidlovačce     from Prague
  • „The Perfect Partner“ (CZ:„Dokonalý partner“) by Divadlo Meteora from     Vsetín.

Plays "Cofee at Noon" and "TheBeer" were translated to Czech in the subtitles. So far, this festival,except Slovakia and the Czech Republic, has also been held in Krakow in Poland,Augsburg in Germany and Belgrade in Serbia.

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